Controls: Q A B V


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The visual style and color choice are great. The animation works smoothly with the soundtrack. Nice work!

Even if it may not technically align with the goals of this project, I appreciate that your version allows players to immediately begin the first challenge instead of sitting through the intro. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but it doesn't seem that my action or inaction has any influence on the speed of the animated sprites. Regardless, the presentation has been very faithfully reproduced, save for, perhaps, the percentage symbol, but I'd rather not get overly snippy about that stuff. Nicely done overall!

Thank you! The issue of the speed of the animated sprites does need some modification, thanks for pointing that out! 

Nice choice to include the sound track in the game. The ui looks really similar to the original game. The animation looks cool, especially the third scene. One small problem is that sometime the soundtrack cut off a little bit when changing between scenes, but it does not influence the overall experience. I really enjoy this clone.

Thank you! I would definitely re-edit the soundtrack to make it matches more like the original game!